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Joined: 05/09/2010 Posts: 123 Points: 358 Location: Valhalla, Pretoria
Good Day All I came across a link for the plans for the Santisima Trinidad. The person who put it on the net has the permission of the Naval Museum in Spain. I will cut and paste the permission line " I have authorization by the Naval Museum of Madrid to the placement in this web of the plans of the line ship Santísima Trinidad."Go to the following link http://usuarios.arsystel...aviost/nst/I-index.html
I hope those of you who are willing to try a scratchbuild will have much success with this. I have put it on my list to build but need to build one more model from a kit before I will attempt it. Regards Current Build: HMS Victory
Built: HMS Bounty
Next Build: Sovereign of the Seas Started collecting. Redrawing of plans for Santisima Trinidad for a scratchbuild. Santisima Trinidad - waiting for launch.
Rank: Pro Groups: Registered
Joined: 11/09/2011 Posts: 227 Points: 677 Location: Heidelberg South Africa
I'm gonna give it a go! Current Buid: HMS Victory Next Build: Captain Cook's Endeavour Collecting issues Wish List: Santa Ana Bounty Santisima-Trinidad
Rank: Administration Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,301 Points: 23,991 Location: East midlands
Hi Castos, Lovely find, way to go. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Pro Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/09/2010 Posts: 123 Points: 358 Location: Valhalla, Pretoria
Good Day I have redrawn 5 of the 9 plans. It is a learning curve and gives me a better understanding of building model ships. I am planning a scratch build, but will first complete the kit. The plans will be used together with the kit, should any modifications be required. I use CorelDraw for the plans, even though I have Designcad and Turbocad. Find it easier with CorelDraw as I cannot fins a tutorial or Dummies handbook for the other two drawing programmes. There are various model sites out there where a person can get a lot of info and help when building. Regards Andre Current Build: HMS Victory
Built: HMS Bounty
Next Build: Sovereign of the Seas Started collecting. Redrawing of plans for Santisima Trinidad for a scratchbuild. Santisima Trinidad - waiting for launch.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Have you got any further with your plans build?
Rank: Pro Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/09/2010 Posts: 123 Points: 358 Location: Valhalla, Pretoria
Hi Mr T I have 2 plans to go then they are all redrawn. I then have to get them level. Regards Current Build: HMS Victory
Built: HMS Bounty
Next Build: Sovereign of the Seas Started collecting. Redrawing of plans for Santisima Trinidad for a scratchbuild. Santisima Trinidad - waiting for launch.
Rank: Pro Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/09/2010 Posts: 123 Points: 358 Location: Valhalla, Pretoria
Hi All For those building the ST, take a look at this site and see the craftsmanship as well as advice for building and modifying. http://www.shipsofscale.com/Trinidad/index.html
Regards Current Build: HMS Victory
Built: HMS Bounty
Next Build: Sovereign of the Seas Started collecting. Redrawing of plans for Santisima Trinidad for a scratchbuild. Santisima Trinidad - waiting for launch.
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