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German SWS with Flak 43 and Maybach engine Options
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#61 Posted : 05 January 2013 21:18:21

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It's funny how much pictures show up when in close up. It looks like that seam in the middle bottom of the cab could do with some attention (didn't notice it before), however once the gear sticks, hanbrake & seats etc are fitted, I don't think it will be seen.

Wilfy the Sea Dog
#62 Posted : 05 January 2013 21:31:31

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I've also started work on the rear bed assembly.

After reading an article on the Perth Military Modelling site, it came to light that the instructions would have you fit the gun at the wrong end of the bed, putting all the weight distribution wrong. I followed their advice & re-versed the mounting holes in the bed.

You'll notice two slightly untidy slots at one end, these should be holes but I followed the dimensions in the instructions to the letter & the gun platform would not line up! I adjusted the holes to slots so as to have some lee way when fitting it, the slots arn't visible when the gun platform is fitted.

I wanted to try something I've not done before, adding scuff marks & scratches to the rear bed. I'm sure there would have been plenty with the crew clambouring around whilst in action!

I've undercoated the bed in a woody brown colour & on top of this I've applied a couple of coats of AK Interactive chipping fluid (similar to the hairapray technique but more adaptable) Over this the green topcoat has now been applied, next step is to moisten the surface & scrub with a brush or cocktail stick to reproduce wear & tear.

Lets see how it goes! Blink

Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
rear bed 1.JPG
#63 Posted : 06 January 2013 15:26:18

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Nice progress Wilfy. I'm looking forward to see the results of your 'wearing'. I have never used this technique so I'm learning.

mark 2
#64 Posted : 07 January 2013 07:30:19

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Hi Wilfy
Keep up the great work.
Best regards.
#65 Posted : 09 January 2013 15:19:05

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Its looking good!!! More please!!!BigGrin BigGrin
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#66 Posted : 09 January 2013 22:21:40

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Thanks once again for your support & comments.

Got the top coat on the rear bed & added the scuffing & scratches.

As I said, first time I've used the AK chipping fluid & I was surprised how easy it was, great stuff! BigGrin

I left the top coat to dry out for a couple of days (more through necessity than choice) & I was worried that maybe it had hardened off too much & the effect wouldn't work.

I dampened the surface with water & started scrubbing fairly lightly with a clean brush, initially nothing happened, but after a minute or two it started to go & the top coat just disolved. Have to be careful here, as once it starts it could be easy to remove too much. A cocktail stick can also be used for smaller scratches.

I wanted to keep it a bit subtle & in the areas of most traffic as a little is better.

I have to say I was very pleased with the result. After a filter & washes, think it will look alright, even if I do say so myself. Blushing

Thanks again all, any comments welcome.
Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
weathered bed 1.JPG
weathered bed 2.JPG
#67 Posted : 09 January 2013 22:39:19

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Wilfy I think it looks right too. Never tried this stuff myself but looking at your results, something else to add to the shopping cart.

Wilfy the Sea Dog
#68 Posted : 09 January 2013 23:27:54

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Thanks John.

Cost in the region of £4.00 for a 35 ml bottle, so not cheap but does go a long way, only needed about 1/2 ml for the bed & side walls. Vallejo do a similar product but not sure of cost.

You can also use hairspray decanted into your airbrush, but it is such a minefield knowing what 'hold' works that personally I wouldn't bother & am happier to go for a product that is designed for purpose.

AK Interactive also now offer an airbrush ready chipping colour which I think could be very useful, can also be applied by brush, sponge etc I've got a bottle but not tried it yet.

Thanks again

#69 Posted : 10 January 2013 12:11:12

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I have not used chipping fluid before, always done it by hand, but I am tempted to give it a go now!!BigGrin BigGrin
#70 Posted : 10 January 2013 16:33:21

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BigGrin Hi Wilfy
That certainly has done the job and looks great
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

Wilfy the Sea Dog
#71 Posted : 12 January 2013 23:57:56

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Thanks for comments, it really does spur you on when you now people are looking, interested & take the time to comment, whether good or bad. Think we all never stop learning in this hobby & it's good to feed of of others & let them feed of off you. (Cognac talking! BigGrin )

Anyway, she's coming along now. Only dry fitted at moment so if she looks a bit wibbly wobbly that's why.

Here's a view from the side.

Can you spot the school boy error?

I've worn up the surface of the sides in the same manner as the bed & do think it looks pretty ok, however I've still got to apply the camo! Whoops! Blushing

Think I might spray another layer of chipping fluid & then wear the camo back to the green main coat. Gonna have to see how camo goes first.


Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
complete side.JPG
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#72 Posted : 12 January 2013 23:59:23

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Here's a view from the front & top.

Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
complete front.JPG
complete top.JPG
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#73 Posted : 13 January 2013 00:03:29

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Have also managed to make a start on the Flak gun.

This is the gun sheild, made from the PE in the after market sets.

Been a bit of a challange, there's 10 parts in the assembly so far & was a bit difficult to get the shape right.

Needs a bit of clean up still, but am happy so far. BigGrin

Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#74 Posted : 13 January 2013 00:06:52

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And the Flak itself is comin together as well.

You won't see it it my rubbish photography but the muzzle detail on the turned barrel is very good, will set it off a treat.

Thanks for looking again all. All comments truly welcome.

Wilfy the Sea Dog attached the following image(s):
flak assy 1.JPG
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#75 Posted : 13 January 2013 00:09:37

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Looking at that side view of the SWS with Victory's rear end in the frame, kinda puts some perspective to how big she actually is!

#76 Posted : 13 January 2013 00:27:00

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Hello Wilfy,

Been busy with other things in my life for a while, so I've not been active on the forum for a few weeks, but just logged back in and saw your build progress photos and I have to say that I think you are doing a great job with this kit mate!!

Love the rust effect on the front hitching post and the chipping effect that you have done on the bed and sides looks fantastic, very realistic!! Did you solder the etched shield parts together, or are they fixed with superglue? They look soldered to me and as I've always used glue, was wondering how you found the task of soldering them if indeed that is what you did?? I only ask as I was thinking of going down the soldered etch route on one of my builds when I can get back to it.

Great stuff Wilfy, keep up the good work, great to watch and very interesting!!

Kev BigGrin
Wilfy the Sea Dog
#77 Posted : 13 January 2013 01:04:28

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Hi Kev,

Hope you're keeping well & can get back to your modelling shortly, you've got some great builds going on.

The PE joints are actually glued, Ive had some problems with PE lately & have done a bit of experimenting!

For the easy flat parts I've used Gator Hobby Adhesive, it's really a PVA but grabs a bit quicker than standard but obviously slower than CA.

Fot the other, more complicated joints I have used Zap-A-Gap medium & their kicker.

I really over filled with the glue & then got the kicker on as quick as possible to stop it going everywhere! When cured I sanded back & polished.

I do agree that soldering is the way to go with any large hidden joints & areas that are stressed, but I find it hard to make a neat joint. I recently bought a Dremel iron with fine tips & have been practising, but it's still f***ing hard to get a neat joint. BigGrin

I'll find out how filling the gaps with CA goes once I've put the primer coat on! LOL

Thanks again for your interest

#78 Posted : 13 January 2013 01:23:44

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BigGrin Nice work Wilfy and yh etch can be a challenge at times il swop that gun shield any day for the Akagi deckLOL LOL Flapper . Keep the pics coming your doing a fine job
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#79 Posted : 13 January 2013 01:39:48

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Very nice work indeed!! I always glue my PE. Tried soldering once!! Didnt bother again!!LOL LOL I love the detail on the barrel, so much crisper than plastic, and the right scale. Brilliant build sir, looking forward to seeing more!!!!BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin
#80 Posted : 13 January 2013 03:18:55

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Very nice shiny bits. This is a very neat and good looking build. Way to go.
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