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Official HMS Sovereign of the Seas Build Diary - Issues 36 - 40 Options
#1 Posted : 09 May 2013 14:41:58
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#2 Posted : 09 May 2013 16:32:20

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Issue 36 - Contains two gun kits and barrels.

Fill the small area that remains at the sternpost with scrap planking or wood filler. Then shape the the end of the stern planking as shown to remove any step.

Mark out a reference line on the hull as shown. Note that the first row of sapele strips must be fixed above the reference line. Ensure that each plank is fully butted to the previous plank without any gap or joint gap at the ends. Note that al of the sapele strips ust be secured with glue only (without pin-nails).
Complete the sapele planking as shown to leave an unplanked area at the stern.

Trim and smooth the excess sapele planking at the bow, within the ports and bulwark tops.

The aft end of planking will be completed at Issue 38 after the fitting of the transom panel and gallery framework.

Retrieve the ship's boat and then cut the photo-etched brass detail from the fret.
Key the side of the detail you will glue with fine emery paper, then carefully shape and test-fit the detail in place, (you may need to reduce the length). Then glue the detail in place, and repeat on the opposite side of the boat.

Store the gun kits for assembly in the next stage, which will be assembled with the gun kits provided in previous issues and also in the next issue.

Future Issues:

Issue 37 - Contains two gun kits and barrels.

Issue 38 - Contains gallery framework and the rear panel.

Issue 39 - Contains wooden gallery parts, birchwood strips and the stern post.

Issue 40 - Contains the bow deck, bowsprit dowel, a bowsprit gratings template, brass mesh, bow components and bamboo strips.

Issue 41 - Contains grating strips, cleats, door decoration and a basswood strip
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#3 Posted : 23 May 2013 16:32:45

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Joined: 24/08/2009
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Issue 37 - Contains two gun kits and wooden barrels.

Take the 0.6x5x300mm basswood veneer strips provided with previous Issues.

Fit the basswood lower half hull planking as shown in the steps on both sides of the hull. The strips at the bow must be tapered and the stern strips should end in line with the sternpost as shown.

Ensure that you apply glue along the full length and width of each strip and that joints are staggered.

Making the canons - You may find that the gun kits providedd withgin Issues 35,36 and 37 do not contain enough axle wire. Additional axle wire is being provided at approx Issue 50.

Eyebolts and blocks will be added to these guns in the next Issue.

Store the remaining basswood planking.

Future issues:

Issue 38 - Contains gallery framework parts and rear panel.

Issue 39 - Contains wooden gallery parts, birchwood strips and the stern post.

Issue 40 - Contains the bow deck, bowsprit dowel, a bowsprit gratings template, brass mesh, bow components and bamboo strips.

Issue 41 - Contains grating strips, cleats, door decoration and a basswood strip.

Issue 42 - Contains bowsprit beack coverings, basswood strips, belay pins and two figurines.
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#4 Posted : 23 May 2013 16:39:00

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Issue 38 - Contains basswood strips, gallery framework parts and rear panel.

Take the 42a deck extension pieces, test-fit to gauge the fit, then sand to shape, and glue it in place so that it is level with the deck and gallery side panels. I added a couple of scrapwood blocks beneath to act as support.

Fit the #60, #59 and #58 deck level pieces. Test-fit and glue each in place in the slots of the gallery rear panel. Ensure that these parts align with the slots of the gallery side panels, then glue each in place.

Take the rear gallery panel, test-fit, then glue it in place onto the edges of the deck levels, positioned as shown.

Test-fit the galllery side frame as shown, but DO NOT glue them in place. Mark the outline of the structure as shown, then remove the frame work and carefully store for later assembly.

Fillto the marked line with Sapele planking to leave an area unplanked as shown. Repeat on the opposite side of the model.

In the next issue we will begin to paint the hull. Fill any gaps or dents in the basswood planking, then smooth with fine sandpaper.

Make the cannon carriage blocks as shown for all six guns, then make the three additional blocks per gun as shown.

Carefully store the guns, blocks and remaining parts provided with this Issue.

Future issues:

Issue 39 - Contains wooden gallery parts, birchwood strips and the stern post.

Issue 40 - Contains the bow deck, dowel, bowsprit gratings template, brass mesh, bow components and bamboo strips.

Issue 41 - Contains grating strips, cleats, door decoration and a basswood strip.

Issue 42 - Contains bowsprit beack coverings, basswood strips, belay pins and two figurines.

Issue 43 - Contains birch strips, dumy gun support beam extension side strips and the forward 3rd deck pieces.

Issue 44 - Contains the central and stern deck halves, grating strips and basswood strips.
Tomick attached the following image(s):
#5 Posted : 07 June 2013 15:06:57

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Issues 39 - Contains wooden gallery parts, birchwood strips and the stern post.

I opted to first glue in place the previously assembled the bowsprit asembly, followed by the keel lengths and stern post as shown. Fill and sand the keel joints and any gaps along the keel line.

Plank the underside of the gallery with sapele strips as shown, then sand them smooth and level with the basswood veneer strips.

I then marked out the hull and masked the bulwarks for the black painted length, which was followed by masking and painting the maroon band, which is repeated on the other side of the hull.

Future Issues:

Issue 40 - Contains the bow deck, bowsprit dowel, a bowsprit gratings template, brass mesh, bow components and bamboo strips.

Issue 41 - Contains grating strips, cleats, door decoration and a baswood strip.

Issue 42 - Contains bowsprit beack coverings, basswood strips, belay pins and ftwo figurines.

Issue 43 - Contains birch strips, dumy gun support beam extension side strips and the forward 3rd deck pieces.

Issue 44 - Contains the central and stern deck halves, grating strips and basswood strips.

Issue 45 - Contains the quarterdeck, forecastle deck, horizontal & vertical supports and beam strips.
Tomick attached the following image(s):
#6 Posted : 09 June 2013 11:32:45

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Joined: 24/08/2009
Posts: 48,827
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Issue 40 - Contains the bow deck, bowsprit dowel, bowsprit grating template, brass mesh, bow components and bamboo strips.

Mask the lower half of the hull and part of the bowspit shown, then paint the lower hull white, (I used a satin 'heirloom oof-white' finish rather than pure white, which was sprayed over a white undercoat).

Take the bamboo strips provided with this issue and paint one top side and both side edges black. These will form the gunwales

Fit and glue the upper gunwale strip lengths as shown, then cutaway the strip where it encroaches into or obscures a gun port.

Fit the lower gunwale strip lengths as shown, and also continue the strip across the stern either side of the stern post.

Repeat to fit the upper and lower gunwales on the opposite side of the hull.

Take the birchwood strips provided with Issue 39. Paint the top side and both side edges of the strips with the same maroon/red colour to match the maroon/red band on the hull side.

Cut strip lengths as shown to create the gun port linings, which should be inset by 0.2mm.
Fit gun port linings to all of the gun ports on both sides of the hull, but not within the large entry port or the last lower deck stern gun port indicated in steps 21/22, (this port will have a closed lid)

That completes this stage.

Futures issues:

Issue 41 - Contains grating strips, cleats, door decoration and a basswood strip.

Issue 42 - Contains bowsprit beak coverings, basswood strips, belay pins and two diecast figurines.

Issue 43 - Contains birch strips, dummy gun support beam extension strips and the forward 3rd deck pieces.

Issue 44 - Contains the central and stern deck halves, grating strips and basswood strips.

Issue 45 - Contains the quarterdeck, forecastle deck, horizontal & vertical supports and beam strips.

Issue 46 - Contains bamboo & basswood strips, cannonballs and grating strips.
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