Stunning work, also surprised to hear you say the shield was tricky, looks easier than the figure but just goes to show appearances can be deceiving..... .. Love seeing your creations Willz, very well done... Regards Alan
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Absolutely amazing, a real craftsman. Steve
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Cheers all for the comments, appreciated
Hi Alan, what I meant is all the bits on the shield would be tricky, up to this point the figure has been the most difficult to carve, but an attempt on all the writing and other carvings on the shield would I`m certain end in failure, so I will be leaving it blank. When the figurehead has all the bits completed and arranged on the ship think it will be OK
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Started on the next guy on the figurehead, he`s basically a mirror image of the other one. He`s not finished at the mo and I`m running out of steam (think I`ll take a break) but I have done the head to acceptable level and here`s a small tutorial and how I did it. When doing a figure you must get the head right before anything else, its the first thing that people will notice, the next 5 photo`s show how to get to the stage before sculpting the head, the last photo is the point where I started to carve, at this stage the head is bigger than it needs to be to allow for the shaping willz attached the following image(s):
You don't stop amazing me with your skill at carving.
loving your build
Jase“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
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cheers Jase, on with the tutorial The next three photos show the basic face shape, this was done using a stanley blade, dig in to scrape a hair line and then scrape the eyes which at this stage are two simple right angles. Pic one, keep scraping and improving the shape pic 2, the last pic shows the head after more shaping and although in the face is not brilliant, to the naked eye it didn`t look too bad, however its around 5 mm wide and we need to get it down to the same size of the first figure (3.7 mm) this gives us scope to improve the shape, the problem being the smaller we go the harder it gets. willz attached the following image(s):
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OK here were are after hours of gently scraping and shaping, the first two pics show the head at a stage where I was amazed at how it looked, but again it was too big for the scale (.4 mm too wide), so had to keep going and in doing so lost some of its beauty, the last pic shows the finished head, and after having it near perfect in the earlier stages I felt a little disappointed, the head is now 3.8 mm wide thats 0.1 mm wider that the other so could perhaps shape it a little more, but then you have to remind yourself that to the naked eye you wouldn't see any difference, time to quite before disaster strikes. willz attached the following image(s):
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very nice bit of carving there willz. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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What can I say that hasn't already been said.....fantastic work and dedication Regards Alan England expects that every man will do his duty.
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Joined: 30/09/2013 Posts: 1 Points: 3 Location: Bradford
Hi Willz aka Dad
After reading all the posts on your topic of your build of the HMS Victory are outstanding. With me visiting you yesterday and seeing the carvings in my own palm is truly amazing. the pictures alone don't tell you how good these carvings are!! keep going the ship looks superb..and cant wait till its complete.
Outstanding achievement
Kind Regards
Carl aka Son
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 04/05/2012 Posts: 362 Points: 1,089
Fantastic carving Wilz
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w.i.p. started to shape the other small guy, the only slight problem is the fact that he has to look similar to the other one, don't need a perfect mirror image but he does need to look like he belongs willz attached the following image(s):
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bit closer willz attached the following image(s):
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Willz, just gone through all your posts and all i can say is that you are a master craftsman, your work is stunning and i look forward to seeing the progress in your build.
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Willz, they could be twins, or at least brothers Great stuff Regards Alan England expects that every man will do his duty.
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cheers all for the kind comments, appreciated got a bit carried away doing the other small guy, its almost 5 in the morning, time flies when your having fun ??????? !!!!!!! anyhow here`s a pic of my progress, going to leave them both for now until a later stage for finishing, cheers lads (and lasses) willz attached the following image(s):
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Beautiful work Willz yet again! Steve
Rank: Vice-Master Groups: Registered
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Next up for the figurehead is the crown, first I shaped it in the lathe, the lathe I use is a metal working lathe, so I dont have a tool steady, so I gently shaped it using stanley blades. Next I cut some tamiya masking tape to the desired thickness and stuck it on the top to act as a guide for cutting. Then having the basic shape I just carried on with stanley blades and my dremel to get the the stage shown in the last photo, still work in progress but no need to go mad at this scale willz attached the following image(s):
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Joined: 13/02/2011 Posts: 2,234 Points: 6,822 Location: East Sussex
Hi Willz Thank you for posting your update,I just love work to your standard I think we are all learning from yourself well done Willz. Regards Trev . Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).
OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).
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