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Joined: 10/10/2010 Posts: 689 Points: 2,130 Location: Dorset
Hi all you RC Experts The Hummer is my first RC Model and I am having trouble getting the engine to start. It did run once but since then no luck All the RC controls seem to work as they should with all parts that should move doing so as the relevant command is sent from the hand unit The glow plug is working OK and I have tried several (tested by inserting the plug into the starter, nice red glow ) I would assume that as I pull the starter handle fuel should be drawn along the fuel line to the engine and there should be no air bubbles in the line. I have noticed that fuel does not seem to be drawn in as I would expect. I have used the setting for the engine as per the instructions but still no joy Any advice/suggestions would be welcombe Current Build:- [color=blue]Stash Avro Lancaster (Full Kit)plus some extra issues I picked up at a good price [color=blue]Built:- Norman Catapult by Mantua,Roman Catapult by Mantua,HMS Victory,HMS Victory XSection,Focker DB1,Bismark,English Carronade Titanic Lifeboat,American Civil War Gatling,Hummer,Sopwith Camel F1,Occre Jupiter ,OcCre Wagon, Latina Arab Dhow, Eaglemass Orrery OcCre Rogers 119 [color=red][color=red]RB7,OcCre Missippi River Boat, Model Airways Fokker DR1 OcCre London L>C>C 106 Ugears Scrambler, Ugears Hexapod Explorer UGears Off-Road Vehicle
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Ensure that you have fresh fuel in the tank.
If the glow plug glows but is dull then you may need a new plug or that the glow start is not fully charged. If the plug glows brightly then neither the glow plug or glow start are the problem
To check that the engine is getting fuel, cover the end of the exhaust pipe with your finger and pull the cord a few times, this will cause a pressure to build up in the fuel tank and force the fuel through the tube to the carb, if that doesn't work try blowing down the end of the pipe that's connected to the exhaust, this will cause the same effect. Be careful not to flood the engine., if you do, remove the plug and pull the cord a few times to eject the excess fuel then replace the plug - mind your eyes as you do this!
Also remove the fuel line from the carb and blow down the line to clear any blockage that may be in the tank.
Remove the air filter off and look inside the carb, the gap between the carb slide and the carb housing at idle should be around 1mm.
If the engine is still refusing to start, take the glow plug out and squirt a very small amount of fuel into the hole the glow plug screws into then replace the plug and give the pull cord a few pulls, if it fires up then dies down its most likely a problem with the carb settings.
Have a read of this Kysho PDF to restore to factory settings: http://www.kyosho.com/jp...74023_gx21_engine_m.pdf
If the engine is very cold you may need to open the throttle a tiny bit just to help it start. The trick is to pull the pull start quickly in quick short jabs and consistently.
Rank: Vice-Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/10/2010 Posts: 689 Points: 2,130 Location: Dorset
Still was having problems starting so sent off for a replacement carb Still no joy. took engine apart cleaned and reassembled Still no go In the end removed the plug, put some fuel in the cylinder replaced the plug, on with the heater a quick pull on the starter and off we jolly well went Not to sure how long the tyres will last on my concrete drive will have to look around for some spares Current Build:- [color=blue]Stash Avro Lancaster (Full Kit)plus some extra issues I picked up at a good price [color=blue]Built:- Norman Catapult by Mantua,Roman Catapult by Mantua,HMS Victory,HMS Victory XSection,Focker DB1,Bismark,English Carronade Titanic Lifeboat,American Civil War Gatling,Hummer,Sopwith Camel F1,Occre Jupiter ,OcCre Wagon, Latina Arab Dhow, Eaglemass Orrery OcCre Rogers 119 [color=red][color=red]RB7,OcCre Missippi River Boat, Model Airways Fokker DR1 OcCre London L>C>C 106 Ugears Scrambler, Ugears Hexapod Explorer UGears Off-Road Vehicle
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Glad your sorted, have fun
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2014 Posts: 78 Points: 216 Location: Doncaster
can't get running no matter what i try
back to factory settings and won't start
fuel in header, no go
have put fuel pump on chassis but will not ignite, glow starter and plug burning bright
tried different chassis and exhaust, as it seemed like there was no pressure in the tank.
not happy, got same engine in kyosho buggy and that starts
got both 16% & 25% fuel
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Have you double checked the assembly of the engine and ensured that the head gasket and carb gasket are fitted and correctly seated?
Have you tried warming the engine ahead of trying to pull start?
Is fuel actually moving along the fuel line when priming the engine?
It might be an idea to remove any add-on's until you caget it to burst into life as it's one thing to rule out.
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Joined: 05/04/2013 Posts: 540 Points: 1,630 Location: England
Try warming the engine with a hair dryer if nothing looks out of place it maybe just too cold to start easily. Finished 3D Printer, RB7, Hummer, Skyrider drone & Combat tank collection http://www.model-space.com/gb/
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2014 Posts: 78 Points: 216 Location: Doncaster
still not able to get going, it would seem that there is no pressure in tank as lid does not close tightly enough creating air bubbles in line.
is there a parts list for the car, or an exploded view??
will be changing fuel tank and exhaust for more pressure.
full of design flaws this thing.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
We dont have a parts list or exploded view available for this model.
Contact customer services to obtain a replacement issue 43 fuel tank, not forgetting to advise that the one you have has a faulty cap seal.
We've sold numerous numbers of the Hummer kit across the UK, Germany and other parts of the world, without any such ongoing problems being encountered.
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2014 Posts: 78 Points: 216 Location: Doncaster
not had reply from cs about replacement tank yet but i have changed the exhaust
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Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 06/02/2014 Posts: 5 Points: 15 Location: London
Hi, soon I'm going to start my Hummer for the first time. What about fuel for it? Which one You recommend?
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Nitro fuel with a 20% nitro content such as this one.. http://www.modelsport.co...DjdW9vNACFRAW0wodgqcBQg Don't forget that you also need a glow starter.
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 06/02/2014 Posts: 5 Points: 15 Location: London
Thanks, where I can find right glow starter?
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Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
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Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 06/02/2014 Posts: 5 Points: 15 Location: London
I've got everything, so any tips before first start?
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Follow the info in the instructions and also this Kyosho PDF.. http://www.kyosho.com/jp...74023_gx21_engine_m.pdf
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 23/02/2020 Posts: 9 Points: 20 Location: Durham
I can’t get the engine to start. I followed all the setup instructions and at first I could get it to fire by putting a few drops of fuel into the glow plug hole but it fired then stopped immediately. I have followed all the tips on here with no luck. Now I can’t even get the starter cord to pull. It is stuck solid. I think I have a faulty engine. How do I get a new one?
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Joined: 27/10/2012 Posts: 146 Points: 427 Location: London
Remove the spark plug first, to eliminate the possibility of hydrolic lock,pull the starter cord a few times to make sure it turns over. Make sure your glow starter is charged up.