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Hi Axel, Good to know you have a working TB2. Well done. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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TeaserUK wrote:Hi there, I received my last box of parts this week and having assembled the final stages, I'm getting the skipping gears on the left hand side of TB2. I had no trouble during the testing phases at all and only seems to be when the full body is assembled. When resetting the legs, the clear cover piece broke so I'm not happy at the moment! In any case the gears skipping is not an isolated incident. I also encountered the same problem. Nothing wrong when running without the top. But when the top is screwed on and the full body is completed i get the same problem as described here. I relieved that I am not the only one but also quite dissapointed that after a very expensive build the legs do not work properly. I already disassembled and re-assembled the motor, legs, etc more then a dozen times still leaving me with the same result. Hopefully the washers will help Dirk (Netherlands)
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delboy271155 wrote:TeaserUK wrote:Hi there, I received my last box of parts this week and having assembled the final stages, I'm getting the skipping gears on the left hand side of TB2. I had no trouble during the testing phases at all and only seems to be when the full body is assembled. When resetting the legs, the clear cover piece broke so I'm not happy at the moment! In any case the gears skipping is not an isolated incident. Hi TeaserUK I understand your frustration with this problem and everything possible is being done to resolve it. Firstly contact CS and order a replacement pack from which the broken part came. You will need to tell CS the pack number the broken part is from and have your subscription account number to hand. Now to the problem at hand. Yours is the second report on the forum of this issue so from the many thousands of kits sold it is still an isolated incident, that none the less needs sorting. The kits for the official build and the official video are working as they should so we are going to have to try and replicate the gear skipping and therefore appreciate your patience while this is happening. All findings will be reported here. As the two reports both indicate that this problem only occurs when the upper body is fixed in place could you answer the following questions for me to aid in the diagnosis as to the possible cause. 1: Did you have any problems with the fit of the upper body or locating/tightening of the fixing screws. 2: Have you tried loosening the upper body screws slightly to eliminate any over tightening that may cause possible distortion of the lower body. 3: During your initial tests without the upper body fixed in place did the motor cut off switches work properly every time. If this is not the case then there may be some accidental damage within the drive train. 4: Have you checked that all the drive shafts are straight especially the ones from the motor and that all the pinion and crown gears are correctly formed in their shape. The electric motor puts out a fair amount of torque for its size and could cause this issue if a defective part is in the drive chain. 5: Have you checked that the gear racks are "fully" screwed into the leg springs as this will certainly cause an issue if not. Thanks in advance for your assistance with the above questions and rest assured the problem is being worked on. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Ad 1) No problems Ad 2) Yes several times Ad 3) Everything worked properly Ad 4) Yes and no problems there either Ad 5) They are. But i am getting nervous if i have to disassemble once again because the plastic thread will get weakened every time you do disassemble them Dirk (Netherlands)
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Hi Dirk-Jan Firstly, welcome to the forum. The issue with the TB2 legs has been sporadic, but I`m not denying its happened. As yet I have not heard of anyone where the the thin washers have not cured the situation. Personally, I never had an issue with my build. Try the washers and see how it goes. Good Luck. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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I recently had exactly the same problem, the legs would not raise or lower on the left hand side. This was due to a drive cog not engaging with the cog at the tip of the long spindles that ran along the left side. I fixed it by inserting a plastic washer that pushed the driving cog down forcing it to engage.
I now have an issue in that the motor clicks and won't cut out when it raises itself to full height, but I can live with that as I just turn it off when it is fully raised. I don't want to keep dismantling it to fix a minor problem as I might cause more damage than good!
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delboy271155 wrote:Hi Dirk-Jan Firstly, welcome to the forum. The issue with the TB2 legs has been sporadic, but I`m not denying its happened. As yet I have not heard of anyone where the the thin washers have not cured the situation. Personally, I never had an issue with my build. Try the washers and see how it goes. Good Luck. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Hi Delboy and other Forum members, After reading all your solutions to the problem i bought myself online 5x (Ring M2,5 plastic 6,0x0,5mm) washers and put them under the gears. Problem solved. It's working. Thank you very much on all your help in solving the problem. It's much appreciated. Kind regards.
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Had exactly the same issue when I got round to finishing my build Friday evening. Legs working 100% and quietly right up until the top half is screwed together and then the RHS legs opened an inch compared to the LHS opening full distance along with clack clack clack noises. Interweb sourced some M2.5 6mm diameter 0.5mm thick stainless washers over the weekend, arrived 8:30 am this morning, so skipped an hour of work and retro fitted them under the lower crown gears in all three corners and problem solved. Happy lad! Now I need to tackle the so far unthought about issue of displaying all the miniatures in such a way as the grandkids cant do their usual looking with fingers rather than eyes routine. Built - R2D2, Thunderbird 2, X-Wing / WAS Building(Ha!)- Bailed after eight months without pack 15 - Millenium Falcon