... a couple of early build shots of the powertrain.
I've been lucky enough to pick this up along the way from Japan, and haven't really done too much so far, but just to be awkward, I like to start an F1 model with the oily bits.
I will be building this as an exercise in superdetailing - 'cos it's so big, it's just crying out for it.
This is really a test-fit, as I will be adding lots of layers of detail - note that the gearbox (which is supplied as unpainted black plastic) has now been painted with a sort of dark metallic grey mix. All screw heads need to be covered up with bolts, and a few missing pieces - like the stay bars between the engine and suspension mounts, and the turbos, will need to be added as we go along. Plus a million extra wires.. and that's before we start on the chassis!
The model as supplied is very good indeed, but if you see it as a canvas onto which you can add your own interpretation of detail, there is massive scope to really enjoy yourself. You just have to find your own level, and be comfortable.
I'm thinking about doing a superdetailing diary if anyone would find it useful.
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