Vasa Pack 3 – Stages 18-29 Stage 18 Contents: Reinforcements, Deck Beams, Hull Frame sides and Decorations. Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth the edges. Test fit and glue reinforcement 37 into the slots in the parts P7. Now test fit and glue reinforcement 38 into the slots in the P7 Pieces aft of 37. Continuing aft, test fit and glue reinforcement 39 into the next slots in P7 then test fit and glue reinforcement 40 into the next slots aft, in P6. Test fit and glue deck beam 18b onto the knees on the inside of frame 18, making sure that the beam is perfectly aligned with the frame. Test fit and glue deck beam 19b onto the two knees on the inside of frame 19, making sure that 19b dries aligned with the frame. Glue deck beam 20h onto the two knees on the inside of hull frames sides 20g. Now glue the top half of frame 20 to the notches on top of the lower half of frame 20. Check that all the parts of frame 20 are aligned with each other. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C12 supplied in Stage 13. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. All painted decorations will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 19 Contents: Reinforcements and Decoration.
Soak the front ends of the two reinforcements P8 and then bend them both in to fit the area from the bow to frame 8. Once the reinforcements fits the area, glue it to the insides of frames 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, on top of reinforcements 35 and 36. Check that frames 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 remain parallel and that the frond end of P8 is up against 2b. Test fit and glue the second reinforcement P8 to frames 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, on top of reinforcements 35 and 36 on the other side of the hull. Ensure that frames 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 remain parallel and the front end of P8 is up against 2b.
Test fit and glue reinforcement 41 into the front slots in both P8 reinforcements. The tops of the three parts must be flush. Test fit and glue reinforcement 42 into the next slot in both P8 reinforcements, the top of part 42 should be above P8. Now take one of the reinforcements 43 and glue it into the slots in frame 2 and reinforcement 42 so that it rests on top of 41. Fit the second reinforcement 43 to the other grooves in frame 2 and reinforcement 42. Make sure that the reinforcements and frame 2 are all at right angles to each other.
Take one of the reinforcements 44 and glue it on the starboard side between frame 4 and reinforcement 43, on top of P8, ensure you orientate part 44 the correct way round. Repeat on the port side of the hull with the second reinforcement 44. Ensure the parts 44 are at right angles to 43. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C11 supplied in Stage 15. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. All painted decorations will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 20 Contents: Reinforcements, Lower Deck, Lower Deck Walls and Wooden Strips. Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth their edges. Take one reinforcement 45 and glue it to the inside of frames 9, 10 and 12 on the starboard side of the hull, on top of reinforcements 37 and 38. Once part 45 is fitted, check that frames 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 are all parallel to each other. Take the second reinforcement 45 and glue it to the inside of frames 9, 10 and 12 on the port side and on top of reinforcements 37 and 38. Make sure that frames 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 are all parallel to each other.
Now retrieve the 0.5 x 4 x 300mm strips and carefully smooth them to remove any splinters. Glue one wooden strip onto the lower deck 46, placing it along one of the sides. The ends of the strip should slightly overlap the ends of the deck. Apply another seven wooden strips to the deck, until you reach the other side. Don't cover the two tabs at the sides. When dry, cut away the excess strips from either end then lightly smooth over the surface of the deck with fine sandpaper. Using a ruler and pencil, imitate the look of real planks by drawing lines and dots. Space the ends of the planks 60mm apart, staggering the ends every 30mm as shown in Step 8 of the in instructions. Mark two dots either side of each end then apply a coat of clear lacquer or varnish to the planks. I chose to apply two coats of Danish Oil. Note: In Stage 34 Step 12 the instructions say to mask off this lower deck together with the upper deck and paint the lower deck walls black. Due to ease of access I decided to paint these lower walls now, painted the forward bulkhead wall also.
Now take one of the lower deck walls 47 and glue it to the side of the lower deck at a right angle. Glue the second wall 47 to the other side of the lower deck, at a right angle. Check that the two walls are parallel to each other. Glue the lower deck assembly into reinforcement 42 and on top of reinforcements 35, 37 and 38. Check that the deck is aligned centrally with the rest of the hull.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 21 Contents: Reinforcements and Decorations. Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth their edges. Test fit and glue the two reinforcements 48 between the lower deck walls and the hull frame 5. Make sure the reinforcements are positioned at a right angle to the walls and the tops of them are all flush. Test fit and glue the two reinforcements 49 into the next slots in the lower deck walls and hull frame 7. Make sure that the tops of reinforcements 49 are aligned with the tops of the side walls and that the are at 90 degrees to each other. Test fit and glue reinforcements 54 between the walls and frame 8. Again, make sure that the tops of the reinforcements are aligned with the tops of the side walls and that they are 90 degrees to each other.
Test fit and glue reinforcements 55 into the next slots in the walls and frame 9. As with the previous reinforcements, check that the tops are aligned and that they are at right angles to the walls. Test fit and glue reinforcements 56 to the last slots in the walls and frame 10. As with the other reinforcements, the tops should be flush and they should be at right angles to the walls . Take reinforcement 57 and test fit it at the end of the walls and on frame 12, glue into place. (As outlined in the previous stage I painted the bulkhead wall area black to match the lower deck walls). Check that the top of reinforcement 57 is aligned with the tops of the walls and that they are all at right angles to each other.
I painted the ends of the supports at the top of the lower deck walls black.
Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C26 supplied in Stage 18. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. All painted decorations will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 22 Contents: Decoration, Wooden Strips, Reinforcements, Lower Deck Walls and Lower Deck.
Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth their edges. Take one reinforcement 58 and glue it to the inside of frames 13, 14, 15 and 17 on the starboard side of the hull, on top of reinforcements 39 and 40. The rear edge of the reinforcement should be aligned with the edge of frame 17. Check that frames 12, 13. 14. 15 and 17 are parallel to each other. Glue the second reinforcement 58 to the port side of frames 13, 14, 15 and 17, on top of reinforcements 39 and 40. The rear edge of the reinforcement should be aligned with the edge of frame 17. Check that frames 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 are parallel to each other. Glue one 0.5 x 4 x 300mm wooden strip onto the lower deck 60, placing it along one of the sides. The ends of the strip should slightly overlap the ends of the deck. Apply another seven wooden strips to the deck, until you reach the other side. Don't cover the two tabs at the sides. When the glue is dry, cut away the excess strips from either end. Imitate the planks by drawing lines and dots, as with the previous deck. Lightly smooth over the surface of the deck with sandpaper then apply a coat of clear lacquer or varnish to the planks. I chose to give the deck two coats of Danish Oil. As outlined in Stage 20, I painted the lower deck walls black at this point. Now take one of the lower deck walls 59 and glue it to the side of the lower deck 60, at a right angle. Glue the second wall 59 to the other side of the deck. Check that the two walls are at a right angle to the deck. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C25 supplied in Stage 18. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. All painted decorations will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 23 Contents: Reinforcements, Carriage Parts, Cannon, Metal Rod, Eyebolts and Brackets.
Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth their edges. Take reinforcement 61 and glue it on top of the knees of frame 13. (I painted the central area black prior to gluing in place). Check that reinforcement 61 is properly aligned with frame 13. Glue reinforcement 62 onto the knees of frame 17 and ensure it is properly aligned. (I painted the central area black prior to gluing in place).
Lower the deck assembly from the previous stage into the slots of reinforcements 61 and 62. Check that the deck is properly centred with the hull. Glue reinforcements 63 onto the knees of frame 15 and the slots in the lower deck walls. The top of reinforcements 63 should be aligned with the top of the lower deck walls and be positioned at a right angle to them. Now glue reinforcements 64 onto the knees of frame 14 and into the slots of the lower deck walls. Make sure that the reinforcements are aligned along the top and positioned at a right angle.
I painted the ends of the supports at the top of the lower deck walls black. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C22 supplied in Stage 19. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. All painted decorations will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 24 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decorations.
Retrieve the four pieces C37a and C37b from Stage 21 and the decoration C27 from Stage 22. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decorations and apply a coat of metal primer, leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint all these decorations then store carefully until needed.
Note: The two decorations C30 & C31 received with this stage should not be painted, they should be discarded. Revised parts will be received in stage 47. More information can be found here:
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 25 Contents: Bow Deck Halves and Wooden Strips.
Remove the wooden parts from their fret and smooth their edges. Test fit and glue one half of the bow deck D6 into place on the starboard side, engaging it with frames 2, 4, 5 and 7 and resting it on parts 42, 43, 44, 47, 48 and 49. Check that the deck piece fits correctly with the frames and that it is aligned centrally. Test fit and glue the second bow deck half onto the port side of the hull. Check that the port side of the deck fits properly with the frames and is aligned centrally. Paint the areas inside of the hull black (RAL 9004), as shown in Step 5 of the instructions. Paint the same areas on the other side of the hull. Before you start to plank the hull, you will need to shape the frames to give the planks a better surface to adhere to. The frames will need to be shaped mostly at the bow and stern, but also a bit in the middle, along with the reinforcements. Use a sanding block to do this. When the hull is upside down ensure you protect the stern and ribs to prevent damage. I used two poly styrene blocks. When sanding the frames, focus on the reinforcements between frames 10 and 12, the supports at the stern and the bow. The hard edges of these parts need to be made curved. Work a little bit at a time to ensure you don't remove too much material. Perform frequent checks on the frames with one of the wooden strips. This will let you know if you need to remove more material from the frames to get the line right, or whether you need to stop. There should be no gaps between the plank and the frames. Take your time with this, as it is a very important part of the build.
Important: The hull planking format given within the instructions must be followed as measurements are taken from planking heights
The instructions do not advocate the use of planking pins and none are provided. After the second planking is fitted, pins will be inserted into the hull to copy the hull bolts as seen on the real ship. You can of course use planking pins to secure the first planking if you wish but it is recommended you pre-drill the planks first to avoid splitting the wood and remove the pins when the glue has dried. I chose to use map pins as my preferred method, inserted into the ribs with the head of the pin securing the plank in place. Smooth the edges of planks 65 (2 x 5 x 300mm) to remove any irregularities or splinters. Take one of the planks and hold it against the hull, its top edge aligned with the deck (P2 and P3) behind it, so that it starts halfway across frame 9 and ends halfway across frame 15. Glue the plank into place then repeat this on the starboard side. Take a second plank and shape it to fit from the front of the first plank (frame 9), round to halfway across the false keel at the bow. Glue it into place, with the upper edge aligned with P1 and P2. Repeat on the starboard side. I chose to leave a gap between the ends of the planks at the bow, no larger than 4mm, this being done to facilitate the fitting of the stem and keel later in the build. Take a third plank aft of the first, from frame 15 to 23 and 23a, aligned at the top edge with P4. Repeat this on the starboard side.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 26 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decoration.
Using 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips, follow the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 6 to add two complete rows below those from the previous stage. When cleaning up the strip edges I gently sanded the whole strip over to remove the surface sheen and to ensure a stronger bonding process. I chamfered the top inner edge of the strips to achieve a tighter fit and applied glue to the frames and along the length of the joining edges. Ensure you fit the strips evenly by adding strips to one side of the hull then the other to avoid inducing any twists. The strips must sit flat across the width of each frame, there should be no gaps. Wipe away any excess glue with a damp sponge.
Begin a new row of wooden strips below the others, following the instructions as set out in steps 7 to 10 and allow the glue to dry before proceeding. Note, due to the variances in the width of strips and the fairing process you may find the measurements on your build may slightly differ, however, ensure you closely follow the format given for planking the hull.
Fit a fourth row of strips below the existing ones, following the instructions as set out in steps 11 to 14. You should now have 5 rows of strips fitted.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 27 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decoration.
Begin a new row of wooden strips below the ones previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 4 allowing the glue to dry before proceeding. Ensure you keep to the planking format given and wipe away any excess glue. Start another new row of wooden strips, following the instructions as set out in steps 5 to 8 and allow the glue to dry before proceeding, then add another complete row following the instructions as set out in steps 9 to 12. The rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown below the row of red pins. The pins have been added to assist in providing clarity. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C35 supplied with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 28 Contents: Wooden Strips.
Using 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips add a further two complete rows below those previously fitted, closely following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 8 and allow the glue to dry before proceeding. Ensure you keep to the planking format given and wipe away any excess glue.
Ensure you apply protection to the stern and frame tops then turn the hull over. Add another two complete rows of wooden strips following the instructions as set out in steps 9 to 15. Here you will also need to shape the strips on the stern area.
The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 29 Contents: Deck Halves and Wooden Strips. Remove the wooden parts from their frets and smooth their edges. Test fit and glue the first deck half D7 onto the starboard side of frames 7 to 10, resting it on reinforcements 49, 54, 55 and 56, and the lower deck walls 47. Test fit and glue the second deck half D7 opposite the first, on the port side of the hull.
Check that both deck halves are properly aligned with the frames, the deck halves forward of them and the insides of the lower deck walls. They should also end halfway across frame 10. I painted the very edge of the decks black to match the deck walls.
Turn the hull over remembering to add protection for the stern and frame tops. Add another two complete rows of wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 9 to 13. The two rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. You can view the official video build for this pack here..https://www.youtube.com/...G8Ul5yETfAu&index=3
Gandale attached the following image(s):
Ships Decorations Pack 3
The decorations contained in pack 3 have been painted following the instructions given for each stage. Remaining decorations are to be painted in pack 4 and will be shown at the end of the pack.
Store the painted decorations carefully in stage labelled bags until needed. Gandale attached the following image(s):