Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 15/06/2018 Posts: 8 Points: 14 Location: Bordeaux
hello double bordage en poiriers terminer c'est mon deuxième double bordage après l'Ambitieux a vos avis ;) amicalement christian ;) LES EN COURS -SR ALTAYA -AMBITIEUX ALTAYA -VICTORY ALTAYA -HMS SURPRISE
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Welcome to modelspace. Looks great. Doing a nice job and pictures real good. Look forward to more pics. Chris On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Welcome to ModelSpace, looks like you've been very busy with Soleil
Rank: Administration Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,301 Points: 23,991 Location: East midlands
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your "Blue" medal for starting a build diary. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2013 Posts: 4,588 Points: 13,553 Location: West Yorkshire
Welcome to the forum great looking build you have. Al
Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your time with us.... Lovely progress on your build.... Regards Alan
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 15/06/2018 Posts: 8 Points: 14 Location: Bordeaux
hello je rattrape les fascicules en retard , montage des accessoires tous en poirier , tous est brute a finir I catch up with the late issues, mounting accessories all in pear, all is rough to finish ................. a suivre................... amicalement christian ;) LES EN COURS -SR ALTAYA -AMBITIEUX ALTAYA -VICTORY ALTAYA -HMS SURPRISE
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Doing a great job on your build. Unfortunately I can't read your post as I don't understand french.
Cheers Chris On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
magpie1832 wrote:Doing a great job on your build. Unfortunately I can't read your post as I don't understand french.
Cheers Chris Me neither, but quality of the work speaks for itself Regards Gray
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 15/06/2018 Posts: 8 Points: 14 Location: Bordeaux
hello I catch up with the late issues, mounting accessories all in pear, all is rough to finish ................. christian amicalement christian ;) LES EN COURS -SR ALTAYA -AMBITIEUX ALTAYA -VICTORY ALTAYA -HMS SURPRISE
Rank: Administration Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,301 Points: 23,991 Location: East midlands
Excellent travail sur toutes les parties de votre construction jusqu'à présent. "Excellent work on all the parts of your build so far". I don`t speak a word of French either, but Google Translate is a wonderful tool. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 15/06/2018 Posts: 8 Points: 14 Location: Bordeaux
Hello it's going slowly pose preconceptions, I redo the bridge to stay in uniformity. the keel, the size sea, guiber, stern are pose ....: D I will redo the front with slats vertical thank you for the info hello ca avance doucement pose des préceintes , je refait les pont pour rester dans l'uniformité . la quille , le taille mer , guibre , étambot sont poser.... :D je vais refaire le fronteau avec des lattes vertical merci pour l'info :D a vos critiquessssss... :D amicalement christian ;) LES EN COURS -SR ALTAYA -AMBITIEUX ALTAYA -VICTORY ALTAYA -HMS SURPRISE
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Very nice work Chris. Keep them pics coming..
ChrisOn the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
This is coming along very nicely, look forward to seeing more.... Regards Alan