Hi all,
I hereby nominate my build for the Cook 250 - Endeavour cannon build competition entry.
I first thought of the idea for my build a while ago, although it was a different concept then. I first started with a piece of scrap wood, which I originally wanted to be a bit of drift wood, but realised I might spend weeks looking for the right piece, so soon abandoned that idea. I apologise in advance for the size of the photos but even with using different software I have not been able to cure the problem. Pictures as described start at the top going down, to avoid any confusion.
Picture 1Shows the finished build.
Picture 2The first picture which is top of the list is the completed concept, picture 2 is how the wood originally looked before I started. I left the wood at the back and around the sides in its original state. The only side that was sanded was the top face where I was going to be working. The Idea of leaving the wood cracked was that it is meant to simulate driftwood.
Picture 3Picture 3 shows the next stage in the process, this was to simulate the sea and waves it involved a layer of PVA glue which was then covered with copious amounts of blue glitter. why glitter and not paint; well I thought glitter would be more eye catching and produce a bit of still animation into the build.
Picture 4Picture 4 shows the cannon kit with its pieces deployed, all standard stuff.
Pictures 5-12Pictures 5-12 show the cannon under various stages of construction
Picture 12Picture 12 shows a white square which was the beginning of the English flag, I painted this in white enamel.
Picture 13Picture 13 shows the completion of the flag, its slightly off due to the fact I wanted to create a wavy effect.
Picture 14Picture 14 shows the completed build. As the finishing touches, I painted terra incognita australis in blue enamel and finished off with a coating of matt varnish.
So comes to the end of my build diary and in conclusion I've really enjoyed this build its been really fun.
Good Luck to everyone and thank you for looking in.