Vasa Pack 5 – Stages 42 - 53 Stage 42 Contents: Stem, Parts of the Keel and Wooden Strips
Glue a 2x5mm wooden strip on each side of the hull from the front of frame 4 aft to 10mm past frame 7. Now glue another strip from the front edge of frame 13 aft to halfway across frame 19, repeat on the other side of the hull. Complete the row with a strip from frame 19 aft to the forward edge of the transom and repeat on the other side of the hull.
Fix a strip from frame 14 to halfway across frame 18, repeat on the starboard side. Complete the row with a strip from frame 18 aft to the front edge of the transom and repeat on the starboard side.
Glue a strip from the front edge of frame 15 to the front of the transom wall, repeat on the starboard side. Then glue another strip from the front edge of frame 17 to the front edge of the transom wall and repeat this on the other side of the hull. Glue four rows of 0.5x4x300mm strips along the length of the deck, with two rows on each side. The strips at the bow should overlap the edge of the deck slightly and the strips should be staggered amidships as shown in Step 9 of the instructions. Shape the aft ends of the strips to fit around the uprights. Recover the C24 decoration from Stage 41 and smooth any flash or burrs with a file, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 43 Contents: Stern Post and Wooden Strips. Trim the aft ends of the rows of strips in line with the transom, then smooth the cuts to create flush edges from port to starboard. The ends of the strips and frames 20a-20e should be aligned with the false keel. Make sure to follow the curve of parts such as 27. Paint the inside of the stern structure black, as shown in step 3 of the instructions. Now cut a 100mm length of 2x5mm wooden strip and smooth the edges. Glue the strip to the transom, aligning it with the top edge of 20e. The strip should extend evenly over those at the sides. Glue another strip underneath, then place eight more strips under the previous two, making sure that each strip is flush against the one above and overlapping the sides. Now glue a further three strips above the one you first fitted, then fit another six strips above the previous ones, between the two sides 27. Glue a strip between the side walls, placing it flush with the lower edge of frame 24. Apply three strips above the one just fitted. When the last strip has dried, sand it so that it curves from one side wall to the other. Glue two rows of 0.5x4mm strips onto each side of the deck, up against the existing rows. Look at the images in step 14 of the instructions to see how to position them. The strips at the bow should overlap the edge of the deck slightly and the strips should be staggered amidships. Shape the aft ends of the strips to fit around the uprights. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 44 Contents: Decorations and Wooden Strips. Apply a wooden strip below the strip fitted in step 10, Stage 43, then glue another strip underneath. Cut two 22 x 4mm pieces of strip and shape into wedges to match those shown in step 3 of the instructions. The gaps they fill on your model may be slightly different in size, adjust the wedges as necessary then fix the wedges to fill the two gaps in the strips.
Glue a strip across the transom from port to starboard, overlapping the walls slightly. Shape the strip to match the profile of the hull. Then place another shaped strip below the one just fitted. Now glue three more shaped strips above the first one fitted, filling the space up to the lower edge of the transom wall. Shape a strip to fill the gap between walls 33 and 34, it should be roughly 4mm wide but yours may differ.
Cut away the excess from the strips that overlap both sides of the hull. Make sure that the strips at the stern are flush with those at the sides, as shown in step 10 of the instructions. Remove any flash or burrs from parts C13, C15 and C19 with a file, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 45 Contents: Wooden Strips and Crew Figure.
Referring to the images A-G in step 1 of the instructions, mark the lines indicated on the port side of the hull. Repeat on the starboard side of the hull making sure to flip the measurements. Smooth the tops of the strips from frame 7 forward to frame 2, until they are flush with the tops of the frames. Cut the forward ends of the strips so they are aligned with the front of frame 2 and the aft end to 9mm past frames 7, as marked in the previous step. Smooth the strips from 9mm aft of frame 7 to 3mm forward of frame 12, down to the tops of frames 8, 9 and 10. Then sand the strips over frames 12 and 13, 13mm aft of frame 13. Stop sanding when the strips are at the same level as the top of the frames. Smooth the strips above frame 14 aft to the line marked in the first step, photo 'D'. The top of the strips should be parallel to the deck.
Similarly, smooth the strips above frame 15 so that they are flush with the top of the frame. The top of the strips should be parallel to the deck, then smooth the strips over frame 17 flush with the top of the frame, up to the lined marked in step 1, photo 'F'. Now smooth the strip above frame 18 up to the line marked in step 1, photo 'G'. The top of the strip should be parallel to the deck.
Now smooth the tops of the strips from forward of frame 19 aft to the transom. As with the others, stop when the strips are the same height as the tops of the frames. Sand the top of the strips at the bow until they are aligned with deck 2b. Repeat all these steps on the starboard side of the hull.
Now begin cutting out the gun ports. Use a drill to makes holes around the inside of the port, then use a sharp knife to cut out the port. Use files to open the hole further, out to the marked lines. The gun port should be 12 x 12mm square. Open the rest of the gun ports along both sides of the hull, check that they are all the correct size.
Remove any burrs or flash from parts C56a and C56b then glue them together. Apply a coat of metal primer to the figure and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 46 Contents: Wooden Strips and Crew Figure Mark two small circles and two square and two circular gun ports on the transom, following the measurements shown in step 1 of the instructions. Cut out the two square gun ports. Use a drill to makes holes around the inside of the port, then use a sharp knife to cut out the port. Use files to open the hole further, out to the marked lines. The gun ports should be 12 x 12mm square.
Use a 3mm drill bit to open the two smaller holes to the sides of the square gun ports. Drill out the larger holes and use a knife and file to smooth the edges.
Mark two parallel lines 4mm apart along the false keel from the bow, along the bottom of the hull and up the transom. Using a sharp knife, cut a groove between the two lines at the bow and stern. Cut a 4mm groove along the base of the bull, the space along the false keel should be flush with the planks on either side. Retrieve the stem 81, fore and aft keel sections 82 and 83 and stern post 84 from stages 42 and 43, sand the pieces smooth. Test fit the parts of the keel together in order, laid out on their side on a flat surface. Test fit the parts of the keel in their corresponding places along the groove of the hull. If they do not fit at any point, widen the groove with a knife and then test fit them again. Do not glue in place. Smooth parts C55a, C55b and C55c with a file to remove any burrs or flash. Glue the three parts together to create figure C55, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 47 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decorations
Work over the hull planks with course grained sandpaper, then use fine grained sandpaper until a smooth uniform surface is achieved. Apply some wood filler to any gaps between the hull planks and any low spots on the hull. (You can also make your own filler by simply gathering the sanding dust into a container, mix a little with some diluted PVA). Continue sanding the hull up to the top of the walls, the surface needs to be as smooth as possible in preparation for the second layer of planks. Make sure that the strips at the stern are flush with the transom walls and the strips across the stern. The strips at the bottom need to be flush with the false keel, as shown in step 4 of the instructions. The upper strips at the bow should be flush with frame 2. Make sure the planks that make up the curve at the bow are all smooth and flush with one another. The two sides of the bow should be symmetrical. The upper strips at the stern should be flush with the walls 32, 33 and 34, and the lower strips at the stern should make a uniform surface. Sand the strips at the aft end of the hull so that they taper into the false keel. Recover the false keel parts 81, 82, 83 and 84 and glue them into the groove along the hull. Step 9 of the instructions show how the stem 81 should fit at the bow and the join between the aft keel 82 and the stern post 84.
Note: The two decorations C30 and C31 received in Stage 24 have been revised and should be discarded. Revised parts C30 and C31 have been supplied with this stage and should be painted as per the painting guide in Stage 24. Remove any flash or burrs from decoration C28, C30 and C31 supplied with this issue. Paint them with metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 48 Contents: Carriage, Carriage Wheels, Axle, Cannon and Decoration
Mark a horizontal line across the transom, along the tops of the square gun ports. Then cut two pieces of 0.5 x.5mm wooden strip, fit and glue them with the bottom edges along the line. Draw two lines on the transom, 30 degrees from the stern post, as shown in step 2 of the instructions. Shape two lengths of wooden strip to fit and glue into place. Cover the entire lower part of the transom with wooden strips, drawing the gun ports and smaller holes as you go. When the strips are dry, cut the excess overlapping the edge of the transom then smooth the ends of the strips flush with the edge.
Remove any flash or burrs from decoration C29, spray it with metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. The assembly of the cannon and carriage is the same as that outlined in Stage 2 so will not be repeated here. Assemble the cannon and carriage then store the parts until they are needed again.
Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 49 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decoration Cut six lengths of strips to fit on the transom between the stern post and side walls and glue into place, marking the circular gun ports as you go. Cut a length of wooden strip to fit over the top of the stern post, with a 4mm wide cut out in the centre, as shown in step 2 of the instructions. Cover the rest of the curved section with strips and trim off overlapping parts. Cut an 80mm length of strip and taper it to 3 mm at either end then glue it below the upper part of the transom. Apply another strip below the previous one. When the glue is dry, trim the side and bottom edges of the two strips. Use strips to cover the two inner faces of the wall, then apply two strips to the aft edges of the walls. Shape a strip to match the one shown in step 8 of the instructions, tapering the ends to 3mm and glue it to the top of the transom. Then cover the rest of the transom with strips, marking out the ports as you go. Completely cover the transom with wooden strips. You will need to shape strips or wedges to fit the circled area shown in step 9 of the instructions. Reopen the stern ports in the same way as outlined in Stage 46. Mark a line along the side of the hull, below the lower gun ports. Look at step 12 of the instruction to see the measurements of where the line should be, then repeat on the starboard side. Apply three strips along the side of the hull, their top edges flush with the line marked in the previous two steps. The joint between the first two strips should be in line with the forward edge of the sixth gun port, as shown in Step 13, image ‘B’. Note: The joint between the second and third strips needs to be in line with the forward edge of the twelfth gun port and not the last gun port as portrayed in image ‘C’ of the instructions. Apply the same three strips to the starboard side of the hull. Remove any burrs or casting flash from decoration C32, apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 50 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decorations
Glue 3 strips of 0.5x5x300mm wooden strips along the port side of the hull, below those fitted in the previous stage. The joins of the new strips should be 40mm forward of those in the row above. Using 0.5x5x300mm wooden strips continue to shape and fit another four complete rows on the port side closely following steps 2 to 5 of the instructions. Ensure you maintain the stagger pattern between the joints defined in the first two rows. Now add the same five rows to the other side of the hull. Fit another two rows on the port side, closely follow steps 7-8 of the instructions then repeat on the other side of the hull. Now turn the hull upside down.
Fit another three complete rows of wooden strips on the starboard side, following steps 9-11 of the instructions then repeat on the other side of the hull. You should now have 11 complete rows of strips fitted on both sides of the hull.
Remove any burrs or casting flash from decorations C35, apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed.
Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 51 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decoration Fit another complete row of wooden strips on the starboard side of the hull, as detailed in step 1 of the instructions. Ensure you continue to maintain the stagger points between the strips. Fit another 3 complete rows of wooden strips, following steps 2-4 of the instructions. This is where tapering of strips at the stern as well as the bow is required. Now add the same 4 rows to the other side of the hull.
Fit another 4 complete rows of wooden strips, following steps 6-10 of the instructions. Repeat on the other side of the hull. You should now have 19 rows of strips fitted to both sides of the hull.
Remove any burrs or casting flash from decoration C33, apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 52 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decorations Fit another 3 complete rows of 0.5x5mm wooden strips, following steps 2-4 of the instructions. Ensure you add the wedged shaped pieces to the stern area as shown. Now add the same 4 rows to the other side of the hull. Complete the planking on the starboard side of the lower hull by following steps 6-9 of the instructions, ensuring you maintain the stagger points between the strips. Note, the measurements quoted within the instructions may be slightly different on your build but the process remains the same. Repeat on the other side of the hull. Turn the hull over and add 2 complete rows of strips above the first row initially fitted, again ensure you maintain the stagger points between the strips. Add the same 2 rows to the other side of the hull. Remove any burrs or casting flash from decorations C26, apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed.
Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 53 Contents: Carriage, Carriage Wheels, Metal Rod, Eyebolts, Brackets, Cannon and Decoration
Fit a complete row of 0.5x5mm wooden strips to the port side of the hull, above the row fitted in the previous stage. Ensure you maintain the stagger points between the strips. Draw the outline of any gun ports that this row overlaps. Follow steps 2-3 of the instructions to add a further 2 complete rows of wooden strips, ensuring you taper the strips at the bow. Now add the same 3 rows to the other side of the hull. Separate the cannon carriage components from the fret, smooth the edges of all the parts and paint them black. The assembly of the carriage is the same as that outlined in Stage 9 so will not be repeated here. Remove any imperfections from the barrel of the cannon then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Paint the cannon with a bronze colour (No RAL Code). Store the cannon and the assembled carriage until needed again. Remove any burrs or casting flash from decorations C37a and C37b then glue the 2 pieces together. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. Painted decorations for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack. This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.You can view the Official Build video for this pack here:https://www.youtube.com/...pihCUITNN6t6G8Ul5yETfAu
Gandale attached the following image(s):
Ships Decorations Pack 5
The decorations contained in pack 5 have been painted following the instructions given for each stage.
Store the painted decorations carefully in stage labelled bags until needed. Gandale attached the following image(s):
This completes Pack 5....