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VW Beetle Official Build Diary - Pack 7 - Issue 50 -57 Options
#1 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:31:45

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
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Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 50: Rear Luggage Compartment Lining

Contents: Rear Luggage Compartment Lining and Screws

This stage involves fitting the back of the luggage space behind the folding rear seat, which also forms the internal trim around the rear arches and engine compartment.

Take the chassis assembly, the rear interior floor that you put together in stage 49, plus the supports and screws that you retained from the pack of parts. Fit the interior floor over the rear wheels and chassis. As you put the rear interior floor in place, fit the ends of the connection hoses that you fitted to it into the heat exchanger outlets. Make sure that none of the ignition cables are trapped under the rear interior floor then fix the front of the floor to the chassis with two SD08 screws.

Turn the assembly over, ready to fit the four supports on the pins projecting from the rear interior floor. The shape of these pins means that the supports only fit one way round. Fit the two supports on the right and secure them with two SP07 screws. Check that the cu-out in the floor fits snugly around the engine cradle. Carry out the same process on the other side of the chassis.

Now fit the rear luggage compartment lining over the rear interior floor so that the lugs projecting from the corners fit into the holes. Press the lining into place, making sure it fits flush. Finish off by fixing the two lugs using two SP13 screws, as shown in step 50J of the instructions.

This stage is complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#2 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:33:57

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
Points: 455
Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 51: Pedals

Contents: Accelerator Pedal, Brake Pedal, Clutch Pedal, Switch Support Bracket, Microswitches and Screws.

In this stage, as well as fitting the control pedals to the floor of the passenger compartment, you start installing the first parts of the car’s electronics by fitting the switches controlled by the accelerator and brake pedals.

The accelerator pedal has two pins of different size. Fit the larger one into the hole on the floor and press it down until the smaller pin is level with the upper hole. Fix the pedal to the floor by inserting an SP09 screw from below and check that the pedal can move back and forth slightly.

Fit the brake pedal into the holes next to the accelerator pedal. As before, fix the pedal in place with an SP09 screw and check that the pedal can move back and forth slightly. The clutch pedal is simply fitted into place by pressing it into the square hole in the floor.

The two microswitches have white and blue wires soldered to the connection tabs. Handle the switches carefully so as not to damage the connections. Fit one of the microswitches into the square recess in the switch support bracket, leading the wires off to the right. Press the switch all the way down into the recess. Fit the second switch in a similar way, with its wires leading off to the left. Now fit the top of the switch support bracket onto the projecting tab as shown in step 51-I of the instructions and secure from underneath using an SP09 screw.

To protect the switch wires from damage, it is recommended using masking tape to fix them temporarily to opposite sides of the passenger compartment floor.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#3 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:35:44

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
Points: 455
Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 52: Passenger’s Seat Mounting.

Contents: Passenger’s Seat Frame, Forward Seat Support, Seat Runner Slider and Screws.

The parts provided will enable you to fit the passenger’s seat to the floor pan alongside the driver’s.

Take the passenger’s seat assembly and align it with the seat frame. Press the seat frame firmly into place and secure with four SP12 screws. Fit the seat runner slider into the grooves in the seat support, pressing the locating pins into the holes. Fit the assembly onto the seat frame, so that the holes in the seat support fit over the two mounting posts at the front and rear of the slider engages with the crossbar of the seat frame. Press the assembly into place, making sure that the slider is hooked onto the crossbar. Secure the seat support to the frame with two SP12 screws.

Fit the seat onto the floor of the passenger compartment so that the two posts at the back fit into the holes at the rear of the floor and the seat support fits over the rectangular recess with the four slots near the corners. Make sure the two tabs at the front of the seat support snap into the slots at the front and the two tabs at the back snap into the other pair of slots. This should allow the two posts at the back to fit down over the holes. Turn the assembly over and secure the back of the seat with two SP12 screws.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#4 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:37:19

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
Points: 455
Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 53: Rear Seat Base

Contents: Rear Seat Base, Passenger Compartment Rear Cross-member, Rear Seatbelt Reels and Screws.

In this stage, you will be preparing the rear of the passenger compartment, ready to fit the back seat. The first job is to fit some components inside the seat base.

Fit the rear cross-member to the rear of the passenger compartment so that the mounting posts fit into the locating holes. Press the cross-member firmly into the holes and secure the parts with two SP05 screws. Check that the cross-member fits flush and that the ends finished in grey flock fit into the matching flock parts of the passenger compartment.

The rear seatbelt reels have two mounting pins that are different thicknesses to ensure they fit the right way round. Locate the mounting holes in the right-hand side of the rear seat base and fit one of the seatbelt reels into the holes, making sure that the larger pin goes in the larger hole. Press the reel all the way into the holes. Carry out the same process to fit the second reel on the left of the seat base.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#5 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:39:09

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
Points: 455
Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 54: Battery and Heating Ducts

Contents: Battery, Left Heating Duct, Right Heating Duct, Heating Duct Outlets and Screws.

In this stage, you fit two different sub-assemblies into the seat base.

The heating ducts have moulded letters to identify them as the left and right fitting. Hold the left-hand heating duct the correct way round and insert the end into the hole in the rear seat base. Press the two mounting posts firmly into the holes in the rear seat base. Turn the assembly over and use two SP07 screws to hold the duct in place. Fit the right-hand duct in a similar way and secure in place with two more SP07 screws.

Now take the battery. There are two supports underneath which have holes of different sizes to match the pins in the seat base; these ensure that the battery only fits one way round. Press the battery firmly onto the pins.

Now fit one of the heating duct outlets into the hole in the cross-member behind the driver’s seat, ensuring the outlet is pressed all the way in. Fit the second heating duct outlet behind in the same way behind the passenger’s seat.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully together with any unused parts.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#6 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:40:56

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
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Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 55: Rear Seat Cushion

Contents: Rear Seat Cushion

Take the chassis assembly from stage 50 and fit the two holes in the seat base from stage 54 onto the two rearmost posts on the chassis assembly. Press the seat base firmly onto the posts making sure they have gone all the way in. Secure the seat base to the posts with two SD11 screws.

Fit the passenger compartment to the chassis, starting from the rear, so that the two heating duct outlets in the rear cross-member fit into the heating ducts that you installed in the rear seat base. Lower the front of the passenger compartment so that the two projecting lugs fit over the mounting posts. Ensure that the wires from the pedals are routed in front of the post and not trapped underneath. Fix the passenger compartment to the two projecting lugs with SD11 screws.

Check that the rear end of the passenger compartment is fitted flush on both sides. Loop the cables from the pedals around the chassis to avoid damaging them.

Take the rear seat cushion and fit the two mounting posts over the pins projecting from the seat base. Press the seat base firmly into place.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#7 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:42:45

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
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Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 56: Rear Seat Back.

Contents: Rear Seat Back.

This stage includes the cushioned side of the folding rear seat, which you won’t fit until stage 57, when you add the trim panel to the open back.

This stage is complete.
Store the part carefully until needed.

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

#8 Posted : 27 November 2019 18:44:19

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Moderator

Joined: 20/01/2013
Posts: 161
Points: 455
Location: Celle, Germany
Stage 57: Rear Seat Back Trim Panel

Contents: Rear Seat Back Trim Panel and Screws.

This stage completes the rear seat assembly, with the installation of the trim panel that forms the front of the rear luggage compartment and the installation of the folding backrest in the car.

Take the rear seat back provided in the previous stage. Align the rear back trim panel; matching up the four mounting posts with the corresponding holes then press the two parts together firmly. Make sure the trim fits flush, particularly around the two cutouts for the wheel arches.

Now fit the rear seat back into the car. Start by fitting the mounting posts on the bottom left corner into the hole in the corner of the rear seat frame. Make sure the mounting post is fitted correctly, as shown in step 57-F of the instructions. Gently push the seat back to the left so you can fit the right mounting post into the hole on the right of the seat frame. Screw and SP09 screw into the hole in the centre of the left mounting post, leaving enough slack to permit the backrest to fold forward. Secure the right-hand side of the backrest in the same way. Check that the backrest easily folds forward and back. If it is stiff, you may need to loosen the two screws you just fitted.

This stage is now complete. Store the assembly carefully until needed.

Pack 7 Complete

Der gesamte Baubericht und alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung. © Levelord

@work: X-Wing,Dodge Charger, MIG-29

Completed: McLaren MP4-23, Hummer H1, RedBull RB7, Easy Rider Bike, Jaguar E-Type, Porsche 911, Ferrari F2004, AMG DTM Mercedes, Ford Mustang, R2-D2, C57, Modellbahn,Rossi Bike,VW Käfer 1303,VW T1 Samba Bus

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