Hello all,
i am the new FST Member Germany, here my Showcase for the LaFerrari from Model-Space, i hope you like it.
I once thought about the showcase, such a model must necessarily behind glass, if only because of the dust!
I started looking and found what I was looking for.
I found the right one at Sora.
There you enter how big, how long and how high your showcase should be and you will be told what it will cost.
my Size 800x500x400mm
This has now arrived well packaged, including a Phillips screwdriver
here the connection of the acrylic glass plates, these are screwed,
only the showcase was really boring, so I had to bring out a highlight
I decided on a traverse,
Here are the designs of the corners and the column connections,
I then printed the supports and cut the brass tubes,
times tested, fits !!!
It went on with the remaining trusses,
somehow you have to illuminate the model,
so spotlights were needed, these are equipped with a 1W LED and a lens for surface or a lens for spotlights, 18 spotlights are planned. These are designed and printed by myself,
You also get the display case with a base plate and a back wall. Since I wanted something special, I built the base plate myself and designed and glued it with the help of a good friend,
here the draft, beautiful white marble with joints,
The Print,
and finally the floor was laminated to a high gloss,
then the back wall was printed, the whole way round, because the print is to be glued on from the outside,
the display case prepared for pasting,
to adjust,
Remove carrier foil,
and moisten it nicely so that the film can be applied without bubbles and the air pockets get shaken out,
check again if everything is correct,
position and scrape out the air pockets,
let it dry first,
made a test, everything has to be right,
everything worked, the showcase fits, the logo is in the middle, the bottom is the right size
Now a little eye catcher, the base plate is illuminated with an RGB LED strip, here the lighting test,
The LEDs and lenses for the spotlights will be delivered next week, then continue here.
To be continued
I wish you all a nice rest weekend and stay healthy. [Smile]
I hope my English is not so Bad, I translate with Google
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