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Official HMS Bounty Build by tenderfoot Options
#1 Posted : 27 March 2021 01:39:48

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EDIT by Mark;

We’ve moved this into position as the Official Build. While the kit has been modified, the quality of work and the mods done truly show the potential of this kit. Tenderfoot is doing a DAR better job than I might have, so I’m delighted to position this build log as the Official Build.

EDIT by Tenderfoot

This build log was initially started at about the 5 month mark and has included only a few mods. I am going to go through each post and highlight the specific points where modifications were made. Also, around post 200 I will provide a retrospective on months 1 through 5 which were mostly repeatable steps as I built the keel and ribs. It may take a few days for me to complete these two things (mods and retrospective), so I thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Been working away at this thing for five months...subscribed when I first saw it available back in September, or thereabouts. Typically I am a quiet builder, skulking around various forums picking up hints and tricks to help me improve as a builder. However, my conscience has finally gotten the best of me and it is now time to return the favor. Granted, I still have a lot of questions, but at least now I may have the opportunity to share what I have learned. Plus, now seems like a bit of fun to engage with others with similar likes.

I originally took interest in this model for two reasons. One - it is just a pretty model to me. Two - it will challenge my skills as there isn't so much planking to hide mistakes. The second reason was really important as I am getting ready to tackle one of the most difficult builds for me yet and honing my skills will help me improve before I dive into the deep end.

That said, here we are, five months in, and I have been able to keep pace with the subscriptions to date.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#2 Posted : 27 March 2021 01:56:59

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Haven't really had much in the way of complaints on this kit. The biggest issue I have found is that the drawings don't seem to be sized exactly correct. Each template has been just a tad oversized. The first couple times I thought it was a printing issue. But after the second fail I decided to open one of the templates with Adobe Illustrator and measure. Sure enough, the template was just a wee bit larger than reality. This was mostly noticeable when assembling the keel and stem. From bow to stern the template had gained 2.5mm over what the actual last cut pieces came out to be. Had there actually been a measuring guide on the templates, this could have easily been identified...print the template and measure the guide to ensure the print is correct. To get around this, I placed a 30mm guide in the template with Adobe Illustrator and then printed it again. Yep, the print out was good and the guide measured 30mm. But once again, the keel/stem length was oversized by 2.5mm.

I thought at first to adjust for this by adding 1mm filler in the keel joints. But then it dawned on me that I may be making things worse. Instead I checked the templates for the ribs and found the same issue existed. The width of the rib was about 1mm off and the height of the rib was about 1mm off. This is when I decided to go with what the laser cut parts were telling me...make things a wee bit smaller than the template. Five months later, and I am glad I did...things are fitting into place nicely.
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#3 Posted : 27 March 2021 02:05:39

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Overall, the past several months have been more repetitive than anything else. Don't get me wrong, enjoying it a lot as I find this sort of thing relaxing. Just mean that there isn't much in the way of "here is what I did" for the first few months since it is mostly building a dry dock and assembling a load of ribs.

Again, I was looking to really make this build stand out as there isn't much ability to hide anything as there is limited planking and the like. For each rib I was very meticulous in getting the pieces assembled and cleaned up as nicely as possible. This took quite a bit of time.

First off, I did not clean the char from the edges as I wanted the seams to come through a bit. In the few areas that I did need to clean the char I came back in with a pencil and added some color back.

Shaping was done with the paper template. The first one I adhered the paper to the rib but removing it was a pain...mostly ensuring all the adhesive was removed. Having learned from that first attempt, for all the remaining ribs that needed shaping I simply traced the template onto the rib...much better results.

To take the wood down to shape on the ribs I used a Dremel with a fine grit sanding drum (220). I didn't want to be too aggressive and instead let the drum do the work. Sure, it took a bit longer, but in the end there was less error as coarser sanding can get out of hand quite quickly. I also had the Dremel set to the lowest speed to make sure I retained full control.

After shaping I went back in with some 220 grit and hand sanded...using my fingertips to feel out any bumps or imperfections. Following that, I used 320 to get a nice clean finish. I think the ribs have turned out very well. I have not yet sanded the exterior of the ribs to perfect as I figure I will need to shape them once I place some test planks along the hull.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#4 Posted : 27 March 2021 02:10:43

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The supplied wood for the ribs has been pretty solid. There are a couple that have a graying tint and the grain is more speckled than the other ribs (arrows below). Not sure how this will turn out once I apply some wipe on poly, but after some thought figured I would go with it. Once all the ribs were in place it wasn't as distracting as I had originally thought.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#5 Posted : 27 March 2021 10:34:53
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi Tenderfoot, BigGrin

Welcome to the forum.

Your build is looking very good, keep up the good work.
Cool Cool Cool

Also congrats on your "Blue" medal for starting a build diary.


#6 Posted : 27 March 2021 12:03:30

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BigGrin Welcome, Tenderfoot, and thak you for shring your tips and tricks in this diary. I wonder how many others spotted the oversizing issue? At least with your solution you have ended up with a beautiful result so far.

With the colouring issue, well that's just the nature of working with wood. I know from my builds what a pain it can initially seem (because we all want our builds to look as perfect as we can make them), but i think it will grow on you and make the build seem more realistic.

I hope you show more of your work, as this does look well made and definately one to follow ThumpUp

Oh, and congratulations on your first medal.

Kev the Modeller
#7 Posted : 27 March 2021 12:17:15

Rank: Master

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Hello Tenderfoot and welcome to the forum, great to have you aboard, and thankyou for sharing your work with others through your build diary!

There's a lot of period ship modellers on here so if you need any help there's plenty of folks who I'm sure will be only too pleased to help you out, though from what I see of the standard of your work I don't think you'll need much help? Lovely work so far and very neat too! I really like the look of these old 'Admiralty' type ship models.

Very well done.Cool ThumpUp

Kev Smile

Per Ardua Ad Astra
#8 Posted : 27 March 2021 19:24:17

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Excellent ! This is what I want to see on my bench before too much longer. I had the opposite problem on the templates. My printouts were too small. I don't see much need for them ( I hope I'm not wrong) they seem to be a guide to get you on course. Most of the shaping and fairing of the ribs is apparent just by looking. As you noted there isn't much planking to hide mistakes but there is an interior deck that follows the inside contour and that could get ruined if the inside isn't just about perfect. DeAgostini missed an opportunity on those templates. They could have etched in lines like they did on the position marks of the hawse piece or they could have made them die cut on thin stock like the hawse piece spacers. Oh well, right ? I noticed the color variation in the wood too. Disappointing . Yours is looking great. This kit is way above my skill level but I figure if I go slow and stay focused I should build a presentable model. But yours is awesome man !
"It is far better to dare mighty things than to take rank with those poor timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat ".
Theodore Roosevelt
#9 Posted : 28 March 2021 02:18:17

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Woot! Woot! My first medal. Didn't notice that...thanks for calling my attention to it.

More importantly, thank you everyone for the kind words. I am really looking forward to sharing here and elsewhere as I continue through the end of this build.

As I stated in Medric's HMS Bounty build diary (everyone should check it out), the hawse has been the most difficult part to date. I had already shaped Rib L and the starboard hawse when I read ahead in the instructions and learned that the two pieces marry up. When I dry fitted them I was not fortunate enough for such a marrying. However, it wasn't too bad. Instead of starting over on the hawse (not too keen on cutting all those pieces on a jigsaw) I decided to fudge it a bit, choosing to let the inside edge of the hawse not quite match with the rib, but ensuring the outside matched perfectly. After looking at images of the final build it became apparent that this portion of the inner hull will not be visible so little harm done. However, I, and everyone here, will know it isn't right...let's keep that our little secret.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#10 Posted : 28 March 2021 02:23:07

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As for the rest of the bow section, it came out quite nicely. I still want to polish it up a bit with some 320 grit before I call it good, but here it is as it currently stands. I tend to eyeball the contours to ensure they are balanced on both ends rather than trying to measure in some complicated fashion. My eyeballs have served me well the last couple years when doing this. It is amazing how the eye can detect such small variances. Sometime I pick up differences that are less than 1mm. Got to enjoy that now as it is likely my eyesight will fade in the coming years - not that they have started, just know it is expected as one ages.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#11 Posted : 28 March 2021 02:30:51

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NOTE: No mods at this point, but I did move ahead a bit as I awaited the next month's subscription, so this is not in the order as it is presented in the instructions.

As I await the next subscription (will be a couple weeks) I decided to go ahead with the skiff, or whatever it's called (I'm still learning). My lord, the ribs are teeny little things. Trying to clean the char from the edges was quite a bit of work as you can't be aggressive at all...one wrong move and SNAP! Little bit goes flying and you find yourself crawling on the floor in the hopes of finding the bit before the dog does. The image below shows that although I was able to remove the char, about 10% or so remains. I must admit that no matter how careful I was I still managed to snap 3 ribs. Thankfully, they went back together quite easily. Because of their frail nature I decided not to try to get the char 100% off - basically calling it a win before I did some serious damage.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#12 Posted : 28 March 2021 02:34:22

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For the life of me I could not find any use for this thing. Found that it would take some modification to work effectively as the keel doesn't fit length wise - the keel slots at each end of the jig are just a wee bit further apart than the inside measure of the keel. Also, couple of the ribs just didn't line up quite right. In the end I assembled just as I would any keel and bulkhead build, just carefully glued each rib in place, ensuring it was square to the deck and eyeballed for accuracy. Honestly, it was easy enough to get the ribs in place that the jig is not needed. However, to each their own.
tenderfoot attached the following image(s):
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#13 Posted : 28 March 2021 21:57:00

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Your picture in post #10 is exactly what I needed to see. What a wonderful thing to have seen at this point. Oh, and by the way, expect your eyes to make a dramatic departure from normal, in the wrong direction, as you get older. Mine certainly have. I would be lost without my several different magnifying glasses. I have a Dremel and the temptation is strong but I have a tendency to get careless with it so I'm trying to keep myself in check. I can certainly see that you know how to use yours to good effect. Your HMS Bounty is exquisite.
I noticed that you are level two and I am level three. Somebody sure got that wrong. Should be the other way around.
"It is far better to dare mighty things than to take rank with those poor timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat ".
Theodore Roosevelt
#14 Posted : 28 March 2021 23:06:19

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High Tenderfoot and a very warm welcome to the forum, great to have you aboard....

Looking at your progress to date, you continue as you are and I firmly believe you are going to end up with one stunning looking build.... Am going to be following this one with a great deal of interest..... Well done and good luck with it all.....Cool Cool


#15 Posted : 29 March 2021 08:34:41

Rank: Super-Elite

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Welcome to the forum. She is a stunning looking kit and you’ve done an excellent job so far. Love Love

#16 Posted : 29 March 2021 10:12:38

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Hi Tenderfoot and welcome to the forum.
That Bounty kit looks fabulous and definitely one for me to consider in the future.
You have got off to a great start there despite the template scaling problems.
I will be watching with great interest.
#17 Posted : 29 March 2021 20:30:59

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I guess the mind is the first thing to go in my case. Here I am, chatting away that I am 5 months into the build. Yet when I started reading Issue 6 I came to the realization that I had already done it. So make that 6 months into the build. I can sense all the squinty eyes gazing at me.
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#18 Posted : 29 March 2021 20:44:34

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Guess I’m just going to be the poster child for “what not to do” on this build. Took a while making sure the keelson pieces fit nice and snug and didn’t push ribs out of alignment. Carefully took some of the bevel off the laser edge so they would fit a bit tighter to the keel. Eventually I had every just about perfect on the dry fit so I removed the pieces so I could start glueing in place. Because of the interlocking nature of the pieces you must remove them all after dry fitting and then reinstall starting from the stern. It looked amazing! Nice and clean lines and it really strengthened up the ship. I put it away that day beaming with joy. Practically squealing with glee as I showed my wife, who is the greatest at acting interested.

Today, I pull it out to do some finer sanding in the bow and something catches my eye...the mounting spot for the main mast sure looks like it is far forward. Strange, never saw a ship like that. So I decided to check and wouldn’t you know...the two keelson pieces that rest midship are completely interchangeable in fit. And I, in my ever knowing ways, accidentally reversed the order when I glued them in.

Thankfully, not too difficult to get around. Will fill in the areas where needed and cut new places where needed. But still a bit frustrating. I almost didn’t share but figured what the hey, that’s what these logs are for. Got a strong feeling there will be some additional posts along these lines as I work through the build.
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#19 Posted : 29 March 2021 20:45:38

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“Measure twice, cut once”

Placing that here as a reminder to myself
• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby.
• HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.

• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
#20 Posted : 29 March 2021 21:37:02

Rank: Master
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Hi Tenderfoot,
You are not the first....and you won't be the last, to make such an error.
At least you spotted it now and not further into construction.
Good man for owning up publicly.
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