Just like to pass on something that I came across on e-bay whilst searching for a replacement soldering station since my original little monster decided to blow its heating coil. Its a set of soldering accessory tools primarily designed for cleaning and manipulating wires etc. whilst soldering them down. These are double ended tools and whilst the brushes and other odd looking bits might not be of any other use, there are at least four ends which look identical to the rigging tools available from CMB and many others. These are various hooks and 'grippers', perfect for pulling the rigging thread into position. Well worth a look and much cheaper than the ones I bought! Just put "soldering iron accessory set" in the e-bay search engine and look for a set of six blue handled tools. Best Wishes First wooden ship: The Grimsby 12 Gun 'Frigate' by Constructo Second: Bounty DelPrado Part Works Third: HMS Victory DelPrado Part Works 1/100 scale Diorama of the Battle of the Brandywine from the American Revolutionary War Diorama of the Battle of New Falkland (unfinished sci-fi), Great War Centenary Diorama of the Messines Ridge Assault Index for the Victory diary is on page 1
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Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 566 Points: 1,657 Location: UK
Thanks for that one. Bought a set could have a multitude of uses. I want to try them for placing small amounts of glue. Can't grumble at the price.
Thanks again
Glad you found it useful Wilfy, I might get a set myself too (might even use some of them for soldering!!) First wooden ship: The Grimsby 12 Gun 'Frigate' by Constructo Second: Bounty DelPrado Part Works Third: HMS Victory DelPrado Part Works 1/100 scale Diorama of the Battle of the Brandywine from the American Revolutionary War Diorama of the Battle of New Falkland (unfinished sci-fi), Great War Centenary Diorama of the Messines Ridge Assault Index for the Victory diary is on page 1
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